Girl, Put Your Gloves On

Sounds a bit Wild Wild West doesn’t it?

I’m referring to martial art styles of fighting. Muay Thai, brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and countless other disciplines.

So, sorry if you thought this post meant you should dust off your brass knuckles, take out your hoop earrings and put up your hair, but I guarantee, you can harness that feistiness and use it for some phenomenal self care by training in a martial art.

Getting out of your comfort zone

Nothing like being slammed by a knee or elbow in Muay Thai or a pinned down with a hold in Jiu-Jitsu makes you realize how truly unprepared and uncomfortable you are to feel the weight or aggression of another person. This, my friends, is where you begin to grow.

The first thing I started to realize when I took up my first martial art of Muay Thai, was the split second strategies I began to suddenly develop. Learning defensive movements, counters and checks, over time my eyes were opened to how much more prepared and confident I had become in making decisions during a fight, as well as outside of the gym.

You will get in shape

This one is a no-brainer. Yes, you will get in shape, you will be strong, and best of all, you will feel good! I promise this will improve your attitude, and if it’s a really good program, or gym, you will have a new gym family and friends that are like-minded and motivating as well.

Valuable lessons in self-defense

I would venture to say at least half the women I know would not fare well in the self defense department. I know women that just hope for the best, or try to be safe, but there’s absolutely no guarantee of your own success or safety in that logic.

Wouldn’t you want to give yourself the best odds possible to make it out of a scary situation alive? Obviously, this isn’t for everyone, I get that. But the world we live in now doesn’t cater to the weak, or unprepared. Martial arts and self defense doesn’t have to be a lifestyle for everyone, but I would highly recommend it be a skill that is practiced.

“We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we sink to the level of our training.” – Archilochus

I would urge you to take a self defense class, even just once or twice a year. You will be thankful if the time comes when that training could potentially save your own life.

So you get in shape, you’ll most likely have fun and meet great new friends, mentally you will become sharper and gain more discipline in other areas of your life, and you can best of all, you will be your own #shero, and seriously, how awesome is that!

Keep kicking, punching and throwing blows ladies, its good for you.

Do you train in a martial arts and ever had to use your skills? Do you agree it’s had a positive impact?

I am here to serve women who are struggling to harness their leadership mindset and presence. With over 13 years of military training, I offer leadership coaching and strategies to women who are ready to conquer their insecurities and be confident in both their professional and personal lives.


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